This blog documents three years of service in Azerbaijan as a United States Peace Corps volunteer; and supports Peace Corps' 3rd Goal to help Americans better understand Azerbaijani life and culture.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Homesick for Azerbaijan
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Farid got a nice scare today... He went to apply for a job on base at the language school, as he speaks 5 languages and would totally rock as a language instructor. When he got to the base, the guards in the visitors pass area told him that he didn't have a valid stamp in his visa. They told him he needed some I-94 thing stapled into his passport with the stamp. He didn't have the I-94 thing, so they wouldn't let him on post to go apply for the job. I of course panicked... you all know me, classic Rae. So I called the immigration office in Seattle. They referred me to another number. I called and explained what had been told to Farid, and the woman at the immigration office was amazingly helpful. She told me that the military guards were wrong, and that I-94 forms in a passport are used for people on NON-immigrant visas to the U.S. Farid is here on a CR-1 visa (Conditional Resident visa) and that is considered an IMMIGRANT visa. So, he doesn't need to have an I-94. The only thing he needs for work is his green card. She said not to worry, that his green card will be arriving in the next 4-6 weeks at our address, and suggested trying again once he had the actual physical green card in hand (instead of just the temporary stamp in his passport.) That of course, made me feel much better, and at the same time annoyed me that my mother and Farid had gone all the way to the base only to be told incorrect information.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Getting home was tricky... know your visa laws before you fly!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Closing the chapter...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Pastor Terry Jones is a disgrace...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Youth Civic Leadership Summer Camp 2010

This year was bitter-sweet. I've now done this camp three years in a row in Azerbaijan, and am always surprised at just how different each group is. This year we held two camps back to back (the same as last year) but divided the groups by age. The first camp had younger students, and the second group was older.
Do you remember the days of summer camp? Your room mates? Staying up late, talking until 4am hoping the counselors wouldn’t notice, group meal times, kitchen patrol chores, playing silly games, capture the flag, nature hikes, and singing songs? Well, kids in Azerbaijan don’t have summer camp. Unless a kid here knows a Peace Corps volunteer, the chance that they even understand the word camp is minimal.
The ideas of being free, close to nature, and having fun are so much more limited than what Americans know. For starters, Azerbaijani kids don’t get dirty. Sitting on the ground is “olmaz” (not allowed) as it’s believed to allow your body to absorb cold from the ground. And everyone in Azerbaijan knows that cold kills. So no sitting on the ground. Sports make you dirty. So girls don’t mind watching, but actually playing the sports? That gets you a look like you’re a silly American. Also, boys don’t wash dishes. That’s girls work. So when you assign a group of kids to do kitchen patrol, set up, tear down, and wash up, the girls are often not assertive enough to call out the boys when they don’t pull their own weight. Evening times in Azerbaijan always include a cup of tea. Even if it’s 100 degrees outside, tea is still a must. Could you imagine what would happen if you gave an American kid a cup of hot tea before bed at camp? They’d probably look at you like you were insane.
BUT, our camp was not an Azerbaijani camp. Nor was it an American camp… we’ll just call it “Azerican” a hybrid of two cultures fused together. Our kids got dirty. They played sports. They sat on the ground (sort of, more like a squatting position close to the ground), boys washed dishes (and even learned to like it, as one boy said “I like playing with the water”) and yes, we still drank tea. Our camp was really the kind were we just went with the flow.
For 11 days, we played games, we held classes, we had discussions, we did yoga, we hiked, we played mafia, and we ate. Boy did we eat. I have to give special thanks here to my site mate Vivian. She’s an amazing woman, and she has a special gift with her hands. She has the ability to make gourmet cuisine out of practically nothing. We ate like kings and queens for the entire camp. The kids ate all different kinds of food, and realized in true American fashion that American food means food infused with other cultures from around the world. (French toast is a hit in Azerbaijan by the way.)
Our first group consisted of 14 campers, and 7 counselors. Most of the kids in this group were under the age of 18. They were energetic, fun loving, and adventurous in every way. When we gave them something new and unknown, they jumped in head first, and never questioned our logic. We asked them to do some strange things, like dropping eggs off the balcony, act out survival strategies for nuclear fallout, and tracing their body onto giant poster papers and filling themselves in with how they see themselves. As this camp was funded by the US Democracy Commission through the US Embassy we elected a camp president and vice president. We even watched “Cool Runnings” in order to promote hard work and teamwork in the face of adversity. The final night held a talent show, with talents of being double jointed, comedy routines, dancing, singing, and knitting. When the first group left, I was so tired, and I missed them the moment they got on the bus!
Our second group was older. All of them were in the 18-25 age group, and we had 8 teachers. Now, have you ever tried to convince college aged students to play duck duck goose? It’s a lot harder than you would think. But by the end of the week, these kids learned to be silly too. They learned to really laugh at themselves, and really acted like a small family. The second group was a bit more obsessed with having free time to prepare their talents, and they were hesitant to do chores (aren’t all kids?) but they always made us laugh. Their energy was overflowing at times, playing cross the river they became more competitive than any other group I’ve ever played with before. Not to mention, teaching assertiveness to already assertive young adults can make for some pretty funny interactions later on. I believe one of the students successfully argued why they shouldn’t have to set the table, and it was a clear step in showing his assertiveness (he believed that he had contributed more than the other members of his team at previous meals, and that he deserved lighter duty that day as a reward.) Camp was exhausting, but fun. I loved it, and can’t believe this may be the last time I do a camp of this caliber. I feel very grateful that I had the chance to do it twice this year!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Oh America, what are you doing?
NEW YORK – Adnan Zulfiqar, a graduate student, former U.S. Senate aide and American-born son of Pakistani immigrants, will soon give the first khutbah, or sermon, of the fall semester at the University of Pennsylvania. His topic has presented itself in the daily headlines and blog posts over the disputed mosque near ground zero.
What else could he choose, he says, after a summer remembered not for its reasoned debate, but for epithets, smears, even violence?
As he writes, Zulfiqar frets over the potential fallout and what he and other Muslim leaders can do about it. Will young Muslims conclude they are second-class citizens in the U.S. now and always?
"They're already struggling to balance, `I'm American, I'm Muslim,' and their ethnic heritage. It's very disconcerting," said Zulfiqar, 32, who worked for former U.S. Sen. Max Cleland, a Georgia Democrat, and now serves Penn's campus ministry. "A controversy like this can make them radical or become more conservative in how they look at things or how they fit into the American picture."
Whatever the outcome, the uproar over a planned Islamic center near the World Trade Center site is shaping up as a signal event in the story of American Islam.
Strong voices have emerged from outside the Muslim community. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been steadfast in his support for the project. Jon Stewart nightly mocks the bigotry that the protest unleashed.
"The sentiment, say, five years ago among many Muslims, especially among many young Muslims, was that, `We're in this all by ourselves,'" said Omer Mozaffar, a university lecturer in Chicago who leads Quran study groups as a buffer between young people and the extremist preachers on YouTube. `That has changed significantly. There have been a lot of people speaking out on behalf of Muslims."
Eboo Patel, an American Muslim leader and founder of Interfaith Youth Core, a Chicago nonprofit that promotes community service and religious pluralism, said Muslims are unfortunately experiencing what all immigrant groups endured in the U.S. before they were fully accepted as American. Brandeis University historian Jonathan D. Sarna has noted that Jews faced a similar backlash into the 1800s when they tried to build synagogues, which were once banned in New York.
Patel believes American Muslims are on the same difficult but inevitable path toward integration.
"I'm not saying this is going to be happy," Patel said. "But I'm extremely optimistic."
Yet, the overwhelming feeling is that the controversy has caused widespread damage that will linger for years.
American Muslim leaders say the furor has emboldened opposition groups to resist new mosques around the country, at a time when there aren't enough mosques or Islamic schools to serve the community.
Rhetoric from some politicians that lumps all Muslims with terrorists will depress the Muslim vote, analysts say.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a potential 2012 presidential candidate, said in opposing the Islamic center that, "America is experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization."
U.S. Muslims who have championed democracy and religious tolerance question what they've accomplished. If the "extremist" label can be hung on someone as apparently liberal as the imam at the center of the outcry, Feisal Abdul Rauf, then any Muslim could come under attack. Feisal supports women's rights, human rights and interfaith outreach.
"The joke is on moderate Muslims," said Muqtedar Khan, a University of Delaware political scientist and author of "American Muslims, Bridging Faith and Freedom." "What's the point if you're going to be treated the same way as a radical? If I get into trouble are they going to treat me like I'm a supporter of al-Qaeda?"
U.S. Muslims are themselves divided over the proposed mosque.
Feisal and his wife, Daisy Khan (no relation to Muqtedar Khan), want to build a 13-story, $100 million community center called Park51 two blocks from the World Trade Center site. It would be modeled on the YMCA or Jewish Community Center, with programming for the entire city, and would include a mosque.
Some Muslims felt from the start that the plan was misguided, given the wounds of the Sept. 11 attacks and widespread misunderstanding about Islam. Yet they felt compelled to defend the proposal when the discussion over religious freedom and cultural sensitivity turned ugly.
Days ago, a brick nearly smashed a window at the Madera Islamic Center in central California, where signs were left behind that read, "Wake up America, the enemy is here," and "No temple for the god of terrorism." This past week in New York, a Muslim cab driver had his face and throat slashed in a suspected hate crime.
The poisonous atmosphere comes at a still fragile time in the development of Muslim communal life.
Leaders have spent years trying to persuade Muslim immigrants to come out of their enclaves and fully embrace being American. The task became that much more difficult in the aftermath of 9/11. Many Muslims pulled back, convinced that if another terrorist attack occurs, the U.S. government will put them in internment camps, like the Japanese in World War II. Their American-born children, meanwhile, have felt rejected by their own country.
David Ramadan, a Muslim and vice chair of ethnic coalitions for Republican Party in Virginia, predicts that comments from political figures in both major parties will depress Muslim voting in years to come.
Ramadan and other Muslim Republicans have been pressing GOP leaders not to support a particular mosque, but to acknowledge that American Muslims have equal rights under the Constitution.
"Who wants to come into the fold of the Republican Party today, or even the fold of the Democratic Party?" Ramadan asked. "They just increased the number of independents in America."
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Ramadan Day 12 and 13
Friday, August 20, 2010
Ramadan Day 11
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ramadan Days 9 and 10
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Ramadan Day 8
Monday, August 16, 2010
Ramadan Day 7
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ramadan Days 5 and 6
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ramadan Day 4
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Ramadan Day 3
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Ramadan Day 2
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My first Ramadan
Ramadan | August-September | Subh (Imsak) | Sunrise | Zuhr | Аsr | Maghrib (Iftar) | Isha |
1 | 11 | 05:29 | 06:47 | 13:49 | 18:15 | 20:59 | 21:28 |
2 | 12 | 05:30 | 06:48 | 13:49 | 18:14 | 20:58 | 22:27 |
3 | 13 | 05:31 | 06:49 | 13:49 | 18:14 | 20:56 | 22:25 |
4 | 14 | 05:32 | 06:50 | 13:49 | 18:13 | 20:55 | 22:23 |
5 | 15 | 05:34 | 06:51 | 13:49 | 18:12 | 20:53 | 22:21 |
6 | 16 | 05:35 | 06:52 | 13:49 | 18:11 | 20:52 | 22:20 |
7 | 17 | 05:36 | 06:53 | 13:48 | 18:10 | 20:51 | 22:18 |
8 | 18 | 05:38 | 06:54 | 13:48 | 18:09 | 20:49 | 22:16 |
9 | 19 | 05:39 | 06:55 | 13:48 | 18:09 | 20:48 | 22:14 |
10 | 20 | 05:40 | 06:56 | 13:48 | 18:08 | 20:46 | 22:12 |
11 | 21 | 05:41 | 06:57 | 13:47 | 18:07 | 20:45 | 22:10 |
12 | 22 | 05:42 | 06:58 | 13:47 | 18:06 | 20:43 | 22:08 |
13 | 23 | 05:44 | 06:59 | 13:47 | 18:05 | 20:42 | 22:06 |
14 | 24 | 05:45 | 06:59 | 13:47 | 18:04 | 20:40 | 22:05 |
15 | 25 | 05:46 | 07:00 | 13:46 | 18:03 | 20:39 | 22:03 |
16 | 26 | 05:47 | 07:01 | 13:46 | 18:02 | 20:37 | 22:01 |
17 | 27 | 05:49 | 07:02 | 13:46 | 18:01 | 20:36 | 21:59 |
18 | 28 | 05:50 | 07:03 | 13:45 | 18:00 | 20:34 | 21:57 |
19 | 29 | 05:51 | 07:04 | 13:45 | 17:59 | 20:32 | 21:55 |
20 | 30 | 05:52 | 07:05 | 13:45 | 17:58 | 20:31 | 21:53 |
21 | 31 | 05:53 | 07:06 | 13:45 | 17:57 | 20:29 | 21:51 |
22 | 1 | 05:54 | 07:07 | 13:44 | 17:56 | 20:28 | 21:49 |
23 | 2 | 05:56 | 07:08 | 13:44 | 17:55 | 20:26 | 21:47 |
24 | 3 | 05:57 | 07:09 | 13:44 | 17:54 | 20:24 | 21:46 |
25 | 4 | 05:58 | 07:10 | 13:43 | 17:52 | 20:23 | 21:44 |
26 | 5 | 05:59 | 07:11 | 13:43 | 17:51 | 20:21 | 21:42 |
27 | 6 | 06:00 | 07:12 | 13:43 | 17:50 | 20:19 | 21:40 |
28 | 7 | 06:01 | 07:13 | 13:42 | 17:49 | 20:18 | 21:38 |
29 | 8 | 06:03 | 07:14 | 13:42 | 17:48 | 20:16 | 21:36 |
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