
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Staying in Azerbaijan

My dear readers, as I’m sure you are aware, the work I have been doing here for the past 22 months has been both beneficial to the people I’m working with, as well as a life altering event for me. I have had many ups and downs, but every moment is one that has taught me something about either Azerbaijan or myself. Through my time in the Peace Corps, I have been able to experience some of the most remarkable events of my life. I am fortunate enough to have accomplished some of the major goals I had set out for myself prior to my departure. My time in the Peace Corps has allowed me to tailor the experience to the needs of my community, and my own interests. It is not often that one can wake up looking forward to her job each day. Simply put, I love being a Peace Corps volunteer; so much so, in fact that I am not quite ready to leave yet.

I have finally found my niche here, and have started a few projects that deserve some more time to make them just right. I won’t be able to do them justice if I don’t stay longer here in Azerbaijan. My level of language has finally reached the point where I can communicate about most subjects on at least a basic level. I’ve developed several friendships and important relationships that deserve more time and care to foster, and I am hoping that my time here will help those to continue growing. It is with great pleasure that I announce to you that I have been approved for a third year as a Peace Corps volunteer. This is truly an honor and a privilege for me. I know that this will be hard for my family and friends, but Peace Corps has given me the opportunity to fulfill my personal and career goals through an extension of my service. Please trust that this is something I need to do for myself at this point in time.

I will stay in ganja, and I will stay with the Ganja Education Information Center. Nothing changes other than the date of my return. I will be staying for an additional year… which will bring me back to the US in October of 2010. For those of you that may be sad that I won’t be back for good this Fall, please take heart in the fact that I will have a one month vacation time to come home for a visit sometime between September and November. You will be able to see me this year, but I won’t be back permanently till the next. It is a fair compromise, and I hope that I will have your understanding and support as I embark on my third year in country.

Over the next year, I have decided to start drafting my first attempt at a non-fiction novel about life in Azerbaijan as a Peace Corps volunteer. I am also hoping to see more of the country, as I have been heavily devoted to staying in my rayon and its surrounding areas. I believe that it is both my duty and obligation to have a thorough knowledge of life outside of my city… what kind of volunteer would I be if I left Azerbaijan without seeing half the country? These personal goals are something that only more time will help me to accomplish. Please look forward to more frequent updates, more personal stories, and more cultural information over the coming year. I hope that as my loyal readers, you will enjoy what lies ahead. So, as the great Dumbledore said… and now we shall pursue that flighty temptress, adventure!


  1. Congratulations on the decision Raechelle! What you are doing there is so important to both yourself and the people you come in contact with in Azerbaijan. I have had fun reading along with you and will continue to enjoy it until October of 2010! Congratulations also on starting your book! I think it will be fantastic!
    -Bonnie Rose

  2. How exciting!! Just let me know when your vacation is so I can plan a visit to Graham. By then you'll get to meet both of my kids so it'll be busy, but worth it.

  3. raechelle! i was thinking of you tonight and saw that you had this new post. i'm so sorry i've lost track of what's going on with you since my mom's health took a turn for the worse. this is so exciting! you have come so far from that first fall when you were horribly attacked. i think it's just wonderful what you have been able to do. i do hope i can see you when you come home in the fall. i'm so proud of you!

  4. So does that make you an AZ5.5?

  5. Hey! So I FINALLY was able to log onto my blogger account, for some reason it wasn't letting me for a while. Anyhoo, so depending on when you come back this fall you may be meeting Taylor Paige Johnson!!! She's Due Oct. 18th, tho I'm hoping for any time after Sept 27th since that's when she'll be full term and I'm SOOOO ready to have her outta my belly and in my arms!!! :) Hope you're doing good, let me know when you're comin back for vacation! ((Hugs))

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