
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

On Life and Living

"Never let the fear of strking out keep you from playing the game."

Sometimes in life the most rewarding opportunities we have are also the most difficult challenges we face. I know that most of you think I'm insane for even coming here to begin with... but you stood by me and supported my choice to leave. Now that I'm here, many of you want me to come home. Understandably, you are worried about my safety. Please let work things out here. I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm smart enough to make decisions for myself... please just trust me one more time. I am working with peace corps to increase my safety and my wellbeing at site. I love you all, and I will keep you posted once I know what's going on.


  1. I support you and the choice that you've made. I do pray for your safety and hope that everything works out for you. I love you! :D

  2. I will say it again... whatever decisions you make, know that we are so proud of who you are as an individual and the life choices you have made. I just read the follwing comment on a different blog... "I met a wise, wonderful woman in her mid-70's who described her battle with cancer as 'just a bump on the road of my life'". I liked that description... Whether we believe that all things happen for a reason has been a subject long debated. However, your character and how you choose to use those things that happen in your life ~ the good and the bad ~ are what mold and make us. Do we give them over to Him and trust that he will provide and take care of us? Or do we choose to hold on to them and grow bitter? The choice, as always, is ours alone.

    I love you!

    "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
    -William Jennings Bryan

  3. You are an amazing woman. I'm praying that the One who crafted the mountains, created all people and animals, and paints every sunset will grant you megadoses of wisdom and strength. You are loved!!


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