
Friday, August 3, 2007

Ok, so I'm not the best at updating...

Ok, I find out where I will be spending the next two years this afternoon... in about an hour. So I am excited and a little nervous today. I also wanted to just let you all know that things are going really well here. I have done a lot since I got in country, and will try to give you a brief run down of what I have been up to:

1. Language Classes six days a week

2. Peace Corps sessions in Youth Development training

3. Peace Corps hub days were we learn all sorts of stuff, and we get shots...always with the shots.

4. I went on a hike on a very beautiful "mountain"

5. I spent a weekend in Barda, which was very hot.

6. I have been working on hosting an english club once a week with fellow volunteers in my training site.

7. I have been sweating my butt off! It's really hot here!

Ok, so that was lame, but to be fair, I do have to leave soon :)
I love you all, and will update you again soon! Next time a real one, I promise!

1 comment:

  1. . . . but I love your lame updates! They're so. . RaechelleLaRee of you! Did your charger come yet?


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