
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hotel mistakes Nobel laureate for bag lady

She was wearing a Mayan dress, the traditional attire of indigenous people in central America, and the hotel's response was also traditional: throw her out.

Staff at Cancun's five-star Hotel Coral Beach appear to have assumed this was another street vendor or beggar, so without asking questions they ordered her to leave. Except the woman was Rigoberta Menchú, the Nobel peace prizewinner, Unesco goodwill ambassador, Guatemalan presidential candidate and figurehead for indigenous rights.

The attempted eviction, an example of discrimination against indigenous people common in central and south America, backfired when other guests recognised Ms Menchú and interceded on her behalf.

The human rights activist was in the Mexican coastal resort at the request of President Felipe Calderón to participate in a conference on drinking water and sanitation and was due to give interviews at the hotel.

David Romero, a journalist and newsreader who was due to interview her for state radio Quintana Roo, told local media that hotel security tried to eject Ms Menchú from the lobby. They relented when told who she was. It was said not to be the first time a hotel has tried to throw her out.

Ms Menchú, 48, was awarded the 1992 Nobel peace prize for protesting against human rights abuses during Guatemala's brutal civil war.

Commentators noted the irony of upmarket resorts discriminating against real Maya while trying to attract tourists with fake Mayan architecture and spectacles.

This article was reposted from the following location:,,2150467,00.html
Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent
Friday August 17, 2007 The Guardian

If you are asking "why is she posting this?" Perhaps you are unaware what the tourist industry is doing to developing nations and third world countries... in my short time in Azerbaijan, I have already seen the effects of american culture here... from american music videos and food products, to american brands and advertisements. It is not necissarily a bad thing... but it can have negative impacts when what it shows the world is that money is the only thing that matters. This just goes to show that we need to show the world that there are more important things than making money. Everyone here asks me why are you here? How much are you making? They can't understand the concept of volunteering. The language doesn't even have an actual word for volunteer. The closest word means "from the heart." For many, money is motivation.

Life has so much more to offer... I'm not here to make anyone rich financially. There are things in this world that bring more joy than money could ever buy. I am just beginning to figure out how I can teach the world to give these things. Every person deserves to have a happy and rewarding life... it's just ironic when those like Ms Menchú who have devoted their lives to fighting against human rights abuses are the victim of the very same thing they are fighting to end.

My hat goes off to you Ms Menchú. Wherever you are, know there those of us scattered across the world trying to follow in your footsteps...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

All The Small Things

Some of the things I find myself missing the most about America are things which I would never have thought I would miss... OK, mostly.

Things I Currently Miss the Most
1. Seat Belts, Speed Limits, and Paved Roads
2. Refrigeration on a consistent basis
3. Variety in my diet
4. Public Garbage Cans/waste management systems
5. Knowing what is happening in the outside world

OK so maybe not all that surprising, but they are all things I no longer take for granted. Some of these things are a lot more important to me than I thought they would be. It is ironic how we never truly miss something until we don't have it anymore. Basic "necessities" are not consider such everywhere in the world, and it us not even thought of as an inconvenience for people here. Ignorance is bliss. (I am not by any means saying people are stupid, I am saying that they don't know any other way of living, so therefore do not question why things are the way they are.)

Also, I can say it is now safe to talk about Harry Potter to me in letters/emails, as I finished the book within 48 hours of receiving it. I was more than pleased with the outcome, and must say that if you haven't already finished it you are in for a treat. Good to know my theories were largely accurate. (Thanks to all the pals at

So, this weeks downer: my iPod is fried... I think. It won't charge, and it won't play, so I think it is gone for good. Luckily I only paid $65 for it. Now I am relying on my disc man, meaning I'm eating my way through Energizer Lithium AA batteries. (BTW: I don't usually product endorse, but these batteries really are the best I have ever used... I get 10 times the play time with them, and my digital camera is still on its first set after 2 months.)

Highlight of the week: I finally have a nalgene bottle again so I can boil water, and I got the worlds best package from Mom! Thanks Mutti! Also, I am getting letters from people, slowly but surely, from James and Michael, Heather, Marie, Uncle Carl and Aunt Drea, Mom and Grandpa. Thank you guys, they make the world of difference when I get no other contact with home! I have also written letter to the family and many friends... so be patient...

Most interesting thing I have done this week: I went swimming yesterday! It was fairly hot, so the host family decided to go visit other relatives... my host sisters and I went swimming in the evening and then chowed down on some fresh peppers, bread, and sausage! I'm taking it easy on the food here, as I've now had food poisoning a few times. I just have to be careful where I get the food from, and how long it has been since a power outage.

Aside from that, everything is going well. I am please to say that I now have less than 4 weeks before I swear in as an offical Peace Corps Volunteer, and can't wait to get to my site! If you have any questions, and have yet to ask, please send them via Snail Mail to the address on the side of the page, or to my email at

I will do my best to write you all again soon, and post a few more pictures next time!

Always and forever,

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Site Placement

Ok so yesterday was a very big day for us in the Youth Development and the Community Economic Development sectors since we found out where we will be spending the next two years and what organizations we will be working for. Unfortunately, for security reasons I can not disclose my towns name. However, I can say it is a large city, with constant electricity and running water. I will be working with a youth leadership organization that helps to positively impact young men and women by helping to improve their english and leadership skills. The organization aims to help students participate in study abroad programs. I'm very excited that I will be working directly with youth!
I also will have fellow volunteers in my community ("site mates") so I won't be too terribly home sick... except for mom's cooking :)
I posted a few pictures up on my myspace and facebook sites for those of you who want to see what it looks like here. Message me if you need to be added as a friend to gain access to the photos.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Ok, so I'm not the best at updating...

Ok, I find out where I will be spending the next two years this afternoon... in about an hour. So I am excited and a little nervous today. I also wanted to just let you all know that things are going really well here. I have done a lot since I got in country, and will try to give you a brief run down of what I have been up to:

1. Language Classes six days a week

2. Peace Corps sessions in Youth Development training

3. Peace Corps hub days were we learn all sorts of stuff, and we get shots...always with the shots.

4. I went on a hike on a very beautiful "mountain"

5. I spent a weekend in Barda, which was very hot.

6. I have been working on hosting an english club once a week with fellow volunteers in my training site.

7. I have been sweating my butt off! It's really hot here!

Ok, so that was lame, but to be fair, I do have to leave soon :)
I love you all, and will update you again soon! Next time a real one, I promise!

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